The strategic delay for the Russian offensive
Many have been wondering what Russia is waiting for. It has been self evident since June 2022 that Ukraine's defenses and military moral was already crushed by then, along with Ukraine's logistics
Both mainstream and altstream have been discussing since october 2022, what is keeping Russia from waltzing through Ukraine. The mainstream takes the delay as proof that Russian army is incompetent or Russia close to bankruptcy or "whatever they imagine." The western altstream is frozen in "the avalanche comes soon" in the hope that it will demolish the Davos empire.
I am the only one (until a week ago) who has been consistently saying from day one of the Special Military Operation; this is not an invasion to take over Ukraine, but a special operation to demolish Nato and EU. The delay is surgically strategic.

There is another reason for the delay; all soldiers of Ukraine and Russia are sensitive to ADE* because of Covid Injections, therefore both armies are fighting at one third of their human capacity. This I have been suggesting for, I don't know how many weeks, but two weeks ago I began hearing reports of "tuberculosis" in both armies.
Go figure.
Now here is the twist. The political worldview of Russia and China are incompatible. China wants the Siberian resources of timber, coal, metals, gas and oil, as badly as the West does. What is the long haul strategy?
I don’t have an answer to that one. Yet.
On a personal note.
The years 2012 through 2016 I spent a lot of time observing panel discussions, public talks, and published material from western (Washington based) thinktanks. There are many of them and the best known are Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, and Rand Corporation. I also observed many lesser ones. I particularly liked one of them - whose name is now snowed over - that only focused on bureaucratic matters involving US governance, both Federal and Statewise.
Obviously I am aware of Bilderberg and Fabian society, but are you aware of the Tavistock institution or the Eranos club and their influence, or areas of expertise? Have you read Oswald Spengler, Mircea Eliade or Jung or Hegel or Berlinski? They all belong to that club, intellectually. Tavistock and Eranos use certain mystical and intellectual “sciences” to keep you constrained without you seeing, and once you see it, with your consent.
All of the better known - or geopolitically aligned thinktanks - agreed on one thing: European Union was established and later founded, through the influence of US Thinktank lobbyism, for the sole purpose of USA governing Europe as a huge continent of vassal states.
It is already obvious that Nato is nothing less than a Occupation Force and has been since it was founded. Just as the Warsaw Pact was for East Europe in the Soviet era.
But one thing struck me in those years. And don’t get fooled, that I focused on these for only a period of four years does not mean that I’ve never observed them before or since, or read books authored by some or many of their members. This is a club, we’ve all been raised by them since kindergarten.
All the Russia analysts gave subtly erroneous, often delusional and subjective and amazingly often blatant lies as analysis of Russian affairs, politics, economy, sociology, technical, industrial, and military. I found it curious, as though I have always been strongly anti-communist and mistrusting of socialism, I have always been fascinated by Russia and its culture.
The lies and misconceptions were obvious to layman me, they should be obvious to all?
During the same years that I was specifically observing these thinktanks for a personal reason, I knew enough about the Russian Sphere, to know that all the analysts who gave their suggestions and explanations regarding Russia, were completely bonkers, and no one corrected them, not in media, blogosphere, or in these anthills of thinkers.
The delusionists were heralded; they said what people wanted to hear.
They also said that next century will belong to China.
They are wrong about that. I can prove it. I have already explained in The Archive.
Now we’ve all seen how Hollywood and Washington has waged intellectual and cultural war on Russia since Putin stopped them looting it in 2001. When The Collective West should have admired Russia and befriended, they created an enemy, and without any reason to.
Russia proved during the times of Frederick the Great of Prussia, also when they defeated Napoleon and gave the grace to Wellington, and later the National Socialists of Hitler’s Germany: They don’t want to rule the West. They wish to peacefully and altruistically coexist with the rest of the world.
A Russian loves mother Russia first, his family next, himself possibly, and pities the rest of us, and self identifies as That. Even Russians who hate their own ruling elite, will gladly march to the fronts to defeat Russia’s enemies.
This is empirical fact, and it is also a fact that the proxy war that Nato and EU forced Russia into - since Maidan 2014 - they are waging out of existential necessity and they won’t lose. Russia never loses their wars. Even the 1905 war with Japan, was concluded in august 1945.
I remind you that Russia and Japan have still not made a peace treaty; they both have a very long winding road of memory and intent.
I analysed publicly in december 2021; Nato is defenseless.
Nato has no human reources that can fight, no population that supports it (ideologically or intellectually). The army it employes has been injected with a bioweapon. It has no industry to support the building of and maintaining a military machine. It has no logistics to support a large scale war. It has no energy to fuel it and hardly any food to feed from.
The Collective west doesn’t even have a Worldview to believe in, not anymore. The science and politics of the west, are an emtpy building. This has not changed.
Further more. Poland recently made a mobilization for 200 thousand reservists. Poland is the only military in Nato Europe that is prepared for war. So is Serbia. If Poland would decide to occupy Galicia in Ukraine and formerly East Germany; nothing could stop them.
If Serbians would decide to force reunification of Yugoslavian Federation, nothing could stop them.
This is why France and UK had a silent military exercise in the past two weeks. Germany, Uk and France, can at best deploy five armored regiments today and hardly support an air force to protect them.
Also. Sine 2016 I have been warning you. Turkiye’s second largest Nato army, will not join Nato in a war any time soon. Turkiye is playing a long time strategy to unite all turkish nations behind it, and it is preparing for a new Middle Eastern Federation.
That USA just lost all its footholds in the Midle East, is to their pleasing. I wonder what kind of dialog they maintain with Beijing.
Nothing here is new, in my discourse.
But history is proving it step by step.
The blessed Antivists.
You cannot wake up the public, even if you would; what then?
I warned you three years ago. The leaders of Antivism has an answered prepared, and they’re not showing their cards. I know their cards, and I’ve discussed this in my Video and Podcast Archive. The people who have observed the making of my archive, have not pointed out any erroneous analysis therein as history unfolds.
The garden of the great gorgon Medusa, Golems, Gargoyles and Ghouls. The public is psychopathic, the antivists are psychotic, their leaders are sociopaths. All of them feed on fake altruism, fake suspicions and apathy to varied degrees.
Beware of those feeding you subjective analysis; face the ugly objective fact, first about yourself (the concrete) then about the society you live in (the abstract) and lastly the ideology that demands all from you (the absolute) - the real Hegelian dialect.
Then leave the dark flow of Pyrmid milk. Destroy all Pyramids and approach a dialog with God, exclusive.
Last but not least.
The Central bank digital currency is already in place, you've been apathetically using it in your Debet card for years. Everything Davos intends, was already in place in 2019 an every one liked it.
Antivists are delusional, a psychotic and controlled opposition.
* ADE: Antibody Dependent Enhancement, i.e. autoimmune syndrome